Robert Zimmerman
Unblocking The Blocked
OK I admit it—sometimes my brain just seems to stop working and I am stuck with the task of unblocking or unlocking my creative intelligence. Some people refer to this as writer’s block. I am not sure why but it has been happening to me a lot lately. In fact when I found myself this week simultaneously working on my sermon and this newsletter article I realized my inspirational well was dry. So what do I do when the juices just won’t flow. Well this time I got in my car and ended up pulling into Longs Park right off of Harrisburg Pike.
As I got out of my car to walk around the lake that is there I saw a man walking a couple of dogs. One of them had bicycle training wheels tied to his hind legs. I don’t really know the reason but can assume the hind legs of the dog were paralyzed or severely injured. It was both fascinating and inspiring to watch the dog running ahead of his owner—and even out pacing the other dog. It really made me think.
Recently I saw a video on Youtube of a young woman (Jessica Cox) who has no arms but who has been licensed to fly an airplane. Her capacity to adapt is amazing. She can fly, she can paint, and even put on her eye makeup using her toes and feet. And as you know there are thousands of stories like this—stories that reveal the triumph of the human spirit against adverse odds.
As I am inspired by these stories of triumph and inspiration I think about our current political context—and I think that if ordinary human beings can create ways make a paralyzed dog ambulate—and a young women to fly a plane with her feet, then surely elected leaders can be courageous enough and creative enough and collaborative enough to lead us into a new day of prosperity, resourceful problem solving, and nation building right here at home.
Of course national leadership (if it truly happens) might require the rest of us to also be brave, creative and adaptive as well. We might be challenged to look ourselves in the mirror as I did yesterday morning—when I dared to ask myself “am I capable of matching even a little bit the courage and attitude of the common dog, pulling his training wheels, all the while wagging his tail?” It’s a powerful question and I can honestly say that all the great theological messages embraced at Easter bring me to greater courage and a more hope-filled attitude. The more I Iive in awareness of the “Present Risen-ness of Jesus Christ” the more creative, empowered and hopeful I become. So much so—that my writing block was wonderfully freed up—and my sermon focus was again inspired and clear. By focusing on the positive message of His resurrection and all that it means to be a Resurrection People we can transcend many of our blockages of heart and mind. “Greater is He that is in Me, than he that is in this world.” I John 4:4. He told me to tell you!